The breakdown of the money market is based on lending and borrowing. During the process a fee is charge for either service which you know as interest and commissions. This is the fundamental principle that has governed trades for generations.
With a group approach we are not changing the process but merely offsetting the values with quantity and stability. Giving you the ability to lend more upfront, leading to generally a better return. All from a simple small up-front contribution.
Did you know that you are investing right now, this very second! Why?
Because as a potential member you are leveraging your time as you read about us. Leveraging is investing; your whole life is about this one simple rule of give and take. Where one can find benefit is in the “QUANTITY”.
That said let's take a look at how OGI uses leveraging to create sustainable living.
Leveraging the market
OGI deals primary with life insurance, segregated funds and other investments such as real estate, community development projects, and research & developments. Because the only uncertainty we want you to have is what you will have for lunch tomorrow
What markets do we leverage in?
How we go about it?
As life / seg funds and such securities are based on terms i.e. 1yr term or more we use collateral loans and account laddering to structure our investments. Meaning your funds become more liquid and we can react better to market changes.
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What's the formula ?
We take those great returns in investments and we then leverage time in the form of compounding.
Learn more about Laddering
Learn more about compounding
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Aside from letting your contribution site in an account over time. We ask it to do a little bit more work. That work is in the real-estate market. The estate market is about landownership and what you can do with that peace of land.
As an owner you can now leverage the property as collateral, rent it, sup-divide it and so on. The bottom line is you have more leveraging options and these options equal additional income. All this is possible with a small contribution.
Leveraging through Real-Estate
The breakdown of the money market is based on lending and borrowing. During the process a fee is charge for either service which you know as interest and commissions. This is the fundamental principle that has governed trades for generations.
With a group approach we are not changing the process but merely offsetting the values with quantity and stability. Giving you the ability to lend more upfront, leading to generally a better return. All from a simple small up-front contribution.
Did you know that you are investing right now, this very second! Why?
Because as a potential member you are leveraging your time as you read about us. Leveraging is investing; your whole life is about this one simple rule of give and take. Where one can find benefit is in the “QUANTITY”..
That said let's look at how OGI uses leveraging to create a sustainable living.
Leveraging the market
What markets do we leverage in?
OGI deals primary with life insurance, segregated funds and other investments such as real estate, community development projects, and research & developments.
Because the only uncertainty we want you to have is what you will have for lunch tomorrow
How we go about it?
As life / seg funds and such securities are based on terms i.e. 1yr term or more we use collateral loans and account laddering to structure our investments. Meaning your funds become more liquid and we can react better to market changes.
Learn more about Laddering
click here
What's the formula ?
We take those great returns in investments and we then leverage time in the form of compounding.
Learn more about compounding:
click here
Aside from letting your contribution site in an account over time. We ask it to do a little bit more work. That work is in the real-estate market. The estate market is about landownership and what you can do with that peace of land.
As an owner you can now leverage the property as collateral, rent it, sup-divide it and so on. The bottom line is you have more leveraging options and these options equal additional income. All this is possible with a small contribution.
Leveraging through Real-Estate